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How to Create a Town

Founding a town on Deadwood SMP is easy and this page will help you understand how to found and manage your town.

Create your town using /town create <yourtownname> <yourname>


Note: This will claim the current chunk you are standing in as your town. The price of founding a town is $1,000. Make sure there aren't any spaces in  your town name that you add your name or you will not be added as the leader of the town.



Add members to your town using /town add <theirname> <yourtownname>


Note: Adding people to your town costs $50 and automatically adds them as the lowest rank.

Claim more territory for your town using /town claim <yourtownname> 


Note: This will claim the current chunk you are standing in as part of your town. The price for claiming territory is $500. Make sure there aren't any spaces in  your town name.

Promote members to your town using /town promote <theirname> <townname>


Note: Promoting members of your town is free and automatically makes them a leader like you.

Remove members of your town using /town remove <theirname> <yourtownname>


Note: Removing people from your town is completely free.

Adding and Removing Members

Creating and Claiming Territory

Delete your town using /town delete <yourtownname>


Note: This is free and will delete the town you specified. 

Unclaim a chunk using /town unclaim <yourtownname>


Note: This is free and will unclaim the chunk you are standing in.

Promoting and Demoting Members

Demote members to your town using /town demote <theirname> <townname>


Note: Demoting members of your town is free and automatically makes them the lowest rank possible.

Renaming and Finding Town Info

Rename your town using /town rename <oldtowname> <newtownname>


Note: Renaming your town is completely free, just make sure not to include color codes or spaces.

Find information about a towns chunks using /town chunks <townname>


Note: This will display information about the specified towns chunks. You do not need to be in the town itself to access this command.

This will give you a list of all the towns on the server /town list


Note: You can see everyone's town on the server displayed on a list.

If you find any errors in these instructions or you are unable to access a command, contact server staff or send an email with your problem in the subject line to

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